Carbon smart forestry under climate change

CARE4C - Carbon smart forestry under climate change
H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017, Grant Agreement Number 778322)

EU Horizon 2020EU Logo
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 778322

In a changing climate, we see the callenge that forestry needs to contribute to a low carbon-emitting society. Whilst forests sequester carbon, they simultaneously release carbon during forest operations. Our ambition is to arrive at an integrated picture of carbon sink and source and to adapt forest management for different climate and forest management regimes.
In our project, we will develop carbon smart forest management systems for adaptation and mitigation in the view of climate change.

CARE4C gives a unique opportunity to achieve these objectives by employing a large, multidisciplinary and balanced consortium of excellent academic and non-academic institutions covering the entire chain from empirical research, to data evaluation, knowledge integration, statistical and mechanistic modelling applications, forest management, and forest harvesting. CARE4C contributes to developing and promoting carrer development and enhance skills of experienced researchers, early stage researchers, technical and administrative staff, and strengthens the European research and development landscape by intercultural interaction.

Worldwide Net of Partners

CARE4C Consortium 2023


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What is Horizon 2020

Find out more here: European Comission Horizon 2020 Funding